Here is a list of items we recommend bringing with you to a Dystopia Rising event. This list is not all inclusive, but this is a good start. You are the best judge of your own comfort and needs.  Please consider what additional items you need to take care of yourself, and set the scene for your own sleeping area. 



Signed Release Form, Game Fee (cash or card), Pen.



Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Dental Floss, Shampoo, Sun Screen, Bug Repellent, Deodorant, Prescription Medications, Towel, Flip-Flops for the Shower.



NPC Clothes (black or dark), Costuming, Extra Socks, Low Strength Flashlight with a Red Gel (Suggested), Hiking-Safe Drinking Vessel, Sani-Wipes, Change of Clothes For Weather, Packets/Foam Darts (as needed), Contact Safe Weapons, Food for all days attending at the event.



Sleeping Bag or Bedding, Glowsticks to Mark Tent Lines (if camping).



Make sure your costume is not only safe for running, jumping, crashing through the woods, slipping in mud and swinging combat-safe weapons, but also rugged and cheap. There is no doubt that at some point during a Dystopia Rising event you could end up with fake blood on you and some fake blood stains on your clothes. Do not bring or wear anything to Dystopia Rising that you would be heartbroken to find damaged, stained, or destroyed. Sometimes zombies’ fake blood splatters make a costume cooler, since it now has history to it; however, if your costume is something you don’t want stained, then don’t bring it. Dystopia Rising is not responsible for the safety of your property if it is broken or stolen. Lastly, bringing expensive, delicate, or meaningful items is a recipe for disaster.

Check out Dimitri's larp kit for more ideas.