We are currently searching for a physical site. Keep an eye out here or on our Discord for updates!

Settlement Building Rules!

We are bringing in mechanics that will allow you to grow a settlement and let it engage with stories in the Sequoia Wasteland.

You can take Favor (and eventually other items) from Dystopia Rising: Oklahoma events and use them to grow and customize a settlement of your own, or you can help existing settlements grow and prosper.

Each settlement starts out with no stats whatsoever. The more Favor you spend on a particular stat, the better the settlement’s die rating will be for that stat. Favor required for each die rating is as follows:

Total Favor Die Rating

  • 0 N/A

  • 1 D20

  • 2 D12

  • 4 D10

  • 8 D8

  • 16 D6

  • 32 D4

When you start your settlement, you pick one of the following ratings to improve to at least a D20 Rating.







Growing Your Settlement

Players can only invest in a settlement once per event, and they may only invest in one settlement per event. However, there is no limit to the number of players that may invest in a settlement.


This is a special category and will be developed as we go along. It will be used to help make your settlement unique among the wasteland. To start, we will allow people to create suggestions on what their settlement’s Specialty could be.
