Resolution Options for March

Resolution Story Options

NOTE: Everyone will receive rewards for these mods, you do not need to participate in them to get the awards from them. Awards for Resolution Story will be: Favor x5 Greenwater or Catoosa, and Gear x5

Underwater Construction Mod - Hands On Crafting Mod to Save the Day! (Chaela)

The lower portion of the spire is in danger of collapsing and burying the morgue completely. Uneven pressure has spread across the lake floor and it has escalated the likelihood that the building will buckle and collapse. Artisans of all types and experience are needed to attempt structures to reinforce the failing building.

Gather together found items around your home, and construct an improvised structure, building, etc. You can use whatever you have on hand. Empty cans, LEGO building blocks, knockoff LEGO’s, popsicle sticks, or even actual sticks from outside. Share a picture of your creations to the Deep Harbor Discord Room, and other players that are active (and may react to your builds, even if they are in other mods) will react to their favorites (yes, they may react to more than one at a time)

Defense of Construction Team - Underwater JD

A big ol' underwater fight where you deal with the most interesting things the deep has to offer.

Defence of Construction Team - On Ground Jowe

Not a fan of getting wet? Not a problem, we've brought the fight to you! The gravemind is trying to pull additional bio mass to the morgue to slow the process of structural failure, so undead from all across the wasteland have been seen approaching the Deep Harbor Morgue. If they get there, it'll be bad news for everyone underwater. Help them how you can, and keep your feet dry.

Gravstalt (ST Galen)

There's a chance to slow the call of the grave, but it will require several brave souls to venture to the Deep Harbor and communication through the mortis in an attempt to understand the threat and trauma that is currently causing the pull of the dead. Will you be able to help slow the tide? Or will you enrage the dead and make things that much worse for the living?