The Truth Totality - March Event Mechanic!

Gather “Local Plot: Truth” cards during the event and decide how the Final Knights and various antagonist factions are structured after the Fall of Felvik’s Host.

You will have the option of using these bits of truth to convince various factions to Factions. You have the following options.

Nothing - No investment in this faction means that they will be present at the Final Fight with Felvik’s Host.

Go Neutral - Factions that have been neutralized will not show up to the Final Fight with Felvik’s Host. It will be obvious that they are not supporting Felvik or his plans, but the faction itself will continue to exist within the Sequoia Wastes, potentially as an antagonist group.

Betrayal - Factions that have been convinced to betray Felvik’s Cohort, will show up to the fight, and keep their true motives a secret until the fight begins. They will then betray any of those that are still loyal to Felvik.

Heel Face Turn - This is sometimes what it is called when villains experience a shock to the system that convinced them to give up their evil ways and join the side of truth and most things good. Any factions that are convinced to complete a Heel Face Turn, will not only show up to the Final Fight and stand alongside the Grifters, but they will swap over to being protagonist factions that will join the story of the Sequoia Wastes.

How do we change their minds?

Each Host Sub-Faction has a Zealotry rating. In order to get that faction to sit out of the fight, you need to get enough Plot Item: Truth accumulated to convince them to Go Neutral for the fight. If you would like them to Betray the Host and Felvik as well, it will require you to accumulate twice their Zealotry rating. Finally, if there are factions that you are interested in seeing complete their Heel Face Turns and become protagonist factions, you will need to accumulate four times their Zealotry rating.

Truth Required

  • Zealotry Rating x1 Go Neutral

  • Zealotry Rating x2 Betray

  • Zealotry Rating x4 Heel Face Turn